Comberites who've Served
  World War I
1914 - 1918

(poppy.gifBOLD - died while Serving Canada
linked to "Book of Remembrance")
Ainslie, Claude S.
Allen, Ralph
Archer, H.S.
Atkinson, Thomas

Banks, H.
Bartlett, Alfred
Beattie, Clarence
poppy.gifBeattie, Thomas Walton (15 Sep 1916)
Breen, Harry
Breen, Stanley G.
Biggs, Albert
Biggs, Frank
Bissonette, Walter
Boakes, John
Bonneau, John
Braendle, Harvey
Bragg, Joseph
poppy.gifBrown, Stephen (9 Apr 1917)
Bryan, William

poppy.gifCavanagh, Ivan Allan (13 Sep 1916)
poppy.gifCaza, Theodore (27 Sep 1918)
poppy.gifCaza, William Denny (2 Sep 1918)
Couch, William
Couchman, Walter
Coulter, George

Dalgleish, Clair
Dupuis, Archie
Durant, John
Dutot, Leslie

Edmond, Arthur

poppy.gifFenner, Gerald Hobson (26 Sep 1916)
Forbes, Russell

Hammond, George S.
Hallat, George M.
Hudson, Joseph
Huges, Fred
poppy.gifHolmes, Walter Francis (11 Sep 1916)

Jackson, Sadie Reg. N.
Jefferies, William T.
Johnson, Arthur W.
Jones, James

Keck, James
Keck, Willard
poppy.gifKimmerly, Harry Gordon (29 Sep 1916)
King, David H.

Labord Dennie
Lafferty, Louis H.
Lefaive, Frank

MacDermott, Charles Kilwarden
MacDermott, William Bernard
McAvinue, John
McCracken, Westley
McQueen, Donald M.
Morris, Grant
Morris, Kennith
Morris, Minnie Reg. N.
poppy.gifMorris, Ronald Ray (11 Apr 1917)
Morris, Walter David
Morris, William Henry

poppy.gifPearson, Henry James (31 Jul 1917)

Reaume, Archie J.
Reaume, Harvey
Roadhouse, Earl

Steen, Oliver
Smylie, I.A.
Sova, William
Summers, William
Swanson, Harry

Terryberry, Robert
Tuffin, Glenn

VanPatter, Bruce

Wallace, Neville
Walker, Stanley
Warren, Thomas Gordon
White, Verne
poppy.gifWillan, James Edwin (26 Aug 1918)
poppy.gifWillan, Russell Hugh (26 Aug 1917)

Wilson, Frank
White, Vern
Wright, Clayton
Woods, Clayton


World War II
1939 - 1945

(poppy.gifBOLD - died while Serving Canada
linked to "Book of Remembrance")


Ainslie, Craig
Ainslie, Gerald
Ainslie, Stuart
Ainslie, William
poppy.gifAtkinson, Glenn Thomas (23 Jul 1944)
Atkinson, William
Armes, William

Benoit, Leo
Bissonnette, James
Bissonnette, Paul
Bolohan, Caston
Bolohan, Leo
Bonneau, Leo
Bowers, Leonard
Breckenbridge, Jack
Breen, Denby
Breen, Glen
poppy.gifBreen, Roy Frederick (24 Dec 1944)
Brown, Russell

Burchell, Wilfred

Calder, Jack
Calder, William
Campbell, Garth
Coddle, Lorne

poppy.gifDalgleish, Robert Carl (20 Aug 1943)
Dalgleish, Glen
Dean, Ralph
Dent, Edmond
Dietrich, Raymond
Disher, Jack
Disher, Norah
Drummond, Max
Dupuis, Bernard
Dutot, William

Elliott, Alvin
poppy.gifElliott, Verne Douglas (8 Jan 1945)
Emerson, Lister

Foster, Morley
Frankfurth, Glen
Frankfurth, Kenneth
poppy.gifFrankfurth, Robert Louis (1 Jul 1944)
Froese, Jack


Gagnier, Alfred
Gagnier, George
Gale, Lloyd
Garant, Rosaire

Hoffman, Ford
Hornick, Douglas
Holmes, Wilmer

Joyce, Thomas
Jackson, Edward
Johnson, Walter
Johnson, Vernon
Jefferies, Ivan

Keith, Ellen
Knister, Carmen
Knister, Dean
poppy.gifKnister, Leonard (29 Jul 1944)
Kerr, George

Labadie, Clifford
Labadie, Henry
Labord, Edgar
Labord, Hubert
Lafferty, L.J.
Lee, Albert D.
Lee, Bud
Lee, Maxine
Lee, Roy
Londry, Harold
Londry, John
Ludlam, Archie
Lobzun, Andrew
Lobzun, Thomas
Laporte, Rosaire
Lebert, Aurele
Larondeau, Arnold
Larondeau, Clifford
Larondeau, Terrance
Lemmon, Malcom
Leslie, John

Mailloux, Charles
Mailloux, Felix
Mallott, Fred
poppy.gifMellott, Edwin Norman (13 Aug 1944)
Marentette, Elmer
Marentette, Florance
Mayhew, Walter
McCracken, Harold
McFadden, Albert
McFadden, Cecil
McAllister, Douglas
McDermott, Eileen
McKara, Hebert
McManus, Hugh
Moran, Robert
Morris, Carl
Morris, Charles
Morris, Robert A.
Morris, Robert E.
Moynahan, Jerry
Moynahan, Gerald

Neilson, Thomas

Raes, Leon
Raes, Lewis
Reid, Harold
Renaud, Wilfred
Roadhouse, Jack
Roadhouse, Louis
Runnings, William

Shanks, Jack
Shaw, Harry
Smith, Harry
Sova, George
Sova, Delbert
Steen, Russell

Taylor, Orvil
poppy.gifTilson, Earl Richard (18 Aug 1944)
Tremblay, Alfred

VanPoppel, Joseph

Washburn, Edward
Washburn, Herbert
Westlake, Max
Wright, Russell
Wright, Vernon
Whittal, Albert
Whotten, Homer
Wolfenden, Frances
Wolfenden, Richard
Wolfenden, Stanley

Post War Era
1946 - Present

(poppy.gifBOLD - died while Serving Canada
linked to "Book of Remembrance")


Atkinson, John

Baird, Glenn
Boyle, James

Gatesy, Bill

Labadie, Bill

McCracken, George
McFadden, Ken

Reaume, Tony

Smith, Cindy

Taylor, Mary Grace

  ... it is in their service we now serve them...